To facilitate the comparison of experiences and working methodologies, the Women's Historical Archives seeks encounters and cooperation with similar institutions.

1) The Archives is a member of the IDA (Dachverband deutschsprachiger Frauen/Lesbenarchive, -bibliotheken und -Dokumentationsstellen) and annually participates in the conference organized by the federation. This conference addresses issues concerning the management of women's archives and proposes thematic working groups. The IDA has published the results of the META (Wissenbündeln - Beständesichtbarmachen) project on a dedicated online portal, which is a unified database collecting materials related to the activities of the federated entities. Through this project, the Women's Historical Archives can further promote its work and increase the visibility of its collections. The META project is sponsored by the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.

2) Since fall 2022, the Archives has also joined the national network of women's archives and libraries and actively participates in the Italian network.

#network #womenshistory #queerhistory